
ImageMeasure Template

Author: Vienna Ly, BCIT LTC 2022

Repo: GitHub

Demo on LOR:

HTML template


Usage in Learning Hub

! Documentation below are instructions for using Learning Hub tools, current as of Jun 2022.

Add NEW from LOR

To add the template HTML files from LOR (only need to do this once per course)

  1. From Content, click NEW > Add Object From LOR
  2. Search for “Image Measure Template” (include quote marks for specific result)
  3. Select item from the search result and then Next. Choose “Copy as Content” when prompted.

For this component, files will be created in Coures Files /Interactive/ImageMeasure/ (default)

The new page “Image Measure Demo” will be added to your Content.

New from Template: creating multiple files

Once you have the html file in Course Files, you can use it as a template to Create New file(s) using the Select a Document Template option on Learning Hub.

Best Practice





Editing the Scale and SigFig

In Edit Mode

  1. Insert an image (D2L Learning Hub feature) and adjust size as needed
  2. To get pixel length (H), set Scale to 1
    • console output also shows the pixel length
    • increase SigFig for more precision

Exit Edit Mode (Play Mode)

  1. Move calliper ends to a known length L on image
  2. Calculate Scale = L / H

In Edit Mode

  1. Enter the Calculated Scale in the table under “Scale”
  2. Set the number of significant figures to show in the table under “SigFig”

Embed files into other Content pages

<iframe src="{OrgUnitPath}Interactive/ImageMeasure/demo.html" 
  1. Change the src path to point to the desired file in Course Files. A quick way to get the file path:
    • Go to the file in Course Files (a.k.a Manage Files)
    • Select Edit File from the file menu ( ⌄ )
    • Copy the File Name path shown at the top (e.g. /content/enforced/7541-ViennaLySandbox/Interactive/ImageMeasure/)
    • Paste to replace the src path in the iframe code above, src="___PASTE-FILE-NAME____"
  2. (As needed) Adjust the height/width of the iframe to fit the content